


自从学校成立以来, the VVS Field Trip program is the most unique and significant venture we undertake. 它肯定了我们的基本价值观. 旅行是最有价值的自省方式, 不仅仅是向外, 但也向内. Education can be a blend of reflection and action, study and experience, thought and feeling.
许多学校提供实地考察,但没有一个像我们在VVS做的那样. 从学校开始, 学生们接触到对人和他们的创作的研究, and have an added opportunity to find out about other 文化s through fieldwork and immersion. Getting students out of their usual surroundings and engaged in a 文化 different than their own has been the guiding force behind our Field Trips since our first trip in 1948. Trips to p艺术s of the American Southwest that are often off the tourist route are our guide when planning trips. 户外活动在旅行计划中也扮演着重要的角色, 有延长的攀岩停留时间, 皮划艇, 远足和露营. The third essential component of a trip is service projects where each student plays an integral p艺术.

Students are introduced to Field Trip offerings each September during our Field Trip Fair and then dep艺术 for their two-week journey the second week of November.

实地考察- VVS风格!


  • 亚利桑那足迹:遗产 & 2023年服务

    贝丝Suby & 诺亚Suby 

    AZ Footprint旨在增强学生对生物多样性的理解, 文化, and history which enriches the modern landscape of Southern Arizona while focusing on the VVS principles of environmental stewardship, 体力劳动的价值, 为他人服务. Our trip begins with one night at K艺术chner Caverns State Park where we’ll visit a pristine living cave system.  From there, we’ll head to historic Camp Rucker, nestled in the Chiricahua Mountains, for four nights.  在拉克军营, we will complete historic preservation projects with VVS alum and esteemed Forest Service archaeologist, 克里斯·施拉格.  然后我们将在比斯比度过一段时间(3晚), 图森(3晚), 以及周边地区的重要景点. 其中包括:白水拉野生动物区, 墨西哥和美国的边境墙, 龙山, 比斯比矿之旅, 科罗纳多国家纪念碑, 亚利桑那索诺兰沙漠博物馆, 卡塔利娜州立公园, Mission Gardens和Juan de Anza Trail. 

  • 2023年边界

    约翰·西迪 & 赞恩迪基 

    This trip will introduce students to the rich environments and 文化s of the borderlands around Tucson, 比斯比和阿瓜·普里塔, 探索边境的多个视角.  这次旅行将从图森出发, Arizona and students will cross the border several times into Agua Prieta and Naco, 参加索诺拉与学校的重要文化交流, 公平贸易组织, 艺术合作社. 学生也将参与跨文化, 可持续性, 以及与塞拉俱乐部等组织合作的服务项目, 还有费利兹牧场, 一个当地的非政府组织. 

  • 2023年的峡谷地

    克里斯·博尔顿 & 丽芬妮Lydum 

    This expedition explores the richness of life in canyonlands from within the canyon walls, 而不是从上面看. 我们会住在埃斯卡兰特的船舱里, UT so we can explore the amazing slot canyons of Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. 我们将徒步游览布莱斯峡谷国家公园和锡安国家公园. 我们将在犹他州的珊瑚粉沙丘州立公园露营, 哪一个晚上是我们的总部. 在那里,我们将尝试在粉红色的沙丘上玩滑板. We’ll volunteer for two days at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the world. And we’ll 徒步旅行 Buckskin Gulch in the Paria Wilderness before heading to Lees Ferry, 在科罗拉多河上进行10英里的皮艇之旅. 冒险等待!
  • 2023年穿越大裂谷

    迦勒Kulfan & 雅各布·杰弗瑞

    一个经典的VVS实地考察的重生, Crossing the Rift’s goal is to ground students in the spirituality of place and service. 我们将探索新墨西哥州和科罗拉多州的里奥格兰德裂谷, both the physical landscapes and the spiritual undercurrents they instill in the people that live there. We’ll stop by the remote Monastery of Christ in the Desert in the canyon of the Rio Chama before continuing to Taos to explore the E艺术hShips and other local projects. 我们将在克莱斯顿度过第二周, 科罗拉多州, visiting various religious and spiritual institutions that have found inspiration in the rugged mountains and broad valleys of the region. 学生们将每天练习瑜伽, 冥想, 以及符合每个社区传统的正念练习. We’ll also bring along musical instruments and other 艺术istic implements so that we can generate our own soundscapes, 诗歌, 艺术, 等. 根据我们的经验. We might not be summiting mountains, but we’ll spend each day climbing the mountains of the mind.

  • 《冰球突破正规网站》

    安迪·吉尔 & 凯特·斯坦利 

    One of the best backpacking trips in the Grand Canyon isn’t actually in Grand Canyon National Park.  科罗拉多河的主要支流之一, Kanab Creek is the largest tributary canyon system on the north side of the Grand Canyon. 它起源于犹他州南部向北50英里处, Kanab Creek has cut a network of gorges with vertical walls deep into the plateau. 在河底是被风和水雕刻成鳍状迷宫的墙壁, 旋钮, 和凹坑, 被河岸植被包围的.  这次旅行探索卡纳布溪荒野地区, 深入卡纳布河, 穿越开阔的沙漠和布满岩石的高原, 穿过狭窄的峡谷. This challenging 50+ mile itinerary will allow for a combination of tranquility, 美, 独处与反思.
  • 大峡谷背包旅行2023

    约翰•曼彻斯特查尔顿 & 卡特利 

    Students will descend into one of the world’s most iconic landscapes with everything they will need for a week of hiking, 野营, 吃东西和探索大峡谷. The group will practice Leave No Trace 野营 while learning about the magic of the canyon at a walking pace. 这些日子充满了从一个营地到另一个营地的具有挑战性的徒步旅行, 有趣的食物, 同志情谊和深厚的修养. The nights will be spent under the stars and the shadows of the great walls of the canyon. 这次探险是VVS的经典,肯定会带来一生的故事.

  • 哥斯达黎加2023

    卡洛琳迪赫 & 林赛Wellman
    VVS unfortunately had to cancel the Guatemala FE last week due to ongoing civil unrest.  为了能让学生们沉浸其中, mission-aligned, 在西班牙语国家的国际FE, 我们决定转向哥斯达黎加. Caroline and Lindsay both have personal and professional experience leading trips in Costa Rica.  新的FE较少关注服务,而更多关注环境的可持续性, 尽管仍然有文化沉浸和服务的成分.  For that segment, we will be p艺术nering with Costa Rica Explorations and be based in Turrialba.  我们将在当地一所小学教美术, 分享我们在亚利桑那州的社区和生活, 在乡村公共汽车站的墙上画壁画, 和同龄人一起踢足球,上舞蹈课.   我们还将在一个完全与世隔绝的生态度假村度过6晚, http://www.ranchomargot.com/, 我们将在哪里了解雨林, 农业生态学, 自然能源生产, 有机园艺.  我们也有机会照顾动物, 每天做瑜伽, 徒步旅行, 游泳和做巧克力, 肥皂, 和奶酪.  We'll then explore the Caribbean coast around Puerto Viejo and visit the Jaguar Rescue Center and Sanctuary, http://www.jaguarrescue.基金会/  和卡惠塔国家公园, http://www.sinac.go.cr/en - us / ac / aclac / pnc /页面/默认的.aspx. We'll end our trip with world class white water rafting on the Pacuare River with  http://exploradoresoutdoors.com/漂流/  
  • 2023年孤独

    Kaylyn欧茨 & 迈克Spielman 

    这次旅行将探索国会礁国家公园的荒野. 我们将徒步穿越穆里扭特峡谷的上下. 在我们的旅程中途, 学生将有48小时的“独自”体验。, 与大自然的原始力量独处一段时间. 在这段时间里,学生将自力更生, 搭建营地, 准备饭菜,思考自己在宇宙中的位置.
  • Wilderscapes 2023

    托德·理查森 & 克里斯汀托宾 

    寻求视觉艺术与自然风景美的结合, Wilderscapes will explore New Mexico’s wild spaces from Santa Fe to the Gila Wilderness - America’s first designated wilderness sanctuary. We will begin in Sante Fe where a thriving 艺术 community sits nestled among the high desert mountains. We will explore the scenery on foot both on the trails and the city streets before making a stop at the world famous Meow Wolf Santa Fe. 这次展览是一种难以形容的艺术体验. From there we will travel south to the Gila where we will prepare for a multi-day backpacking trip that will include streams, 杰克的森林, 巨大的沙漠高地草地, 独特的岩层, 原生悬崖民居, 还有温泉. Students will be given sk等h books and other 艺术 making supplies and can expect to 徒步旅行 each day of the trip while creating works of 艺术 in the field. These works will demonstrate the importance of maintaining these wild spaces and will be exhibited at the Field Expeditions Expo upon our return.
佛得角谷学校是一所 国际学士学位 9-12年级学生的寄宿和走读高中.
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